Migration to sourceforge and SVN

I’ve just (and finally) got an answer from Padma on dev.java.net about the CVS dump. I’ll do the migration to sourceforge on sunday 14:00 (GMT+1). I’ll also migrate all changes committed to CVS up to this time even if they’re not contained in the CVS dump.

For anyone interested in checking the dumps they’re here:




I plan also to continue with SVN under “yvg” nick.


P.S. BTW, I am still not convinced that migration to org.xith3d is a good idea because of now there are some naming conflicts between xith3d core and xith-tk AFAICS.

I granted you dev-access to core and tk on sourceforge.net :).

Where do you see the nameing conflicts? The only ones I know are in com/org.xith3d.picking, which won’t be a problem. The package naming “conflicts” are wanted.


In case of big problems of package/class naming, there will be a bit more of refactoring… but users “ne seront plus à ça près” (=won’t mind cause they will have already done refactoring with the com->org change).

The sourceforge migration is in progress. When the sourceforge server is ready, we can use the repositories. I’ll post here, when it’s done and I have migrated the changes made after 2006-10-23 (dump-date).


Migration complete, all history preserved ;D.

I’ve also done the com.xith3d. -> org.xith3d. change. A simple text-replace (“com.xith3d.” -> “org.xith3d.”) will do the trick, if you want to port your project.


EDIT: Please doublecheck if I didn’t make a mistake and everything is fine.

Migration complete here also ^^ Well done Marvin and thanks !

I’ve had some trouble with it, when I installed it on my brother’s computer the same day you encountered the problems. But it was only a question of a very long waiting time. Finally it worked.

Do you still have these problems?


I get the following trying to create the svn repository

Error validating server certificate for https://svn.sourceforge.net:443:

  • Unknown certificate issuer
    Fingerprint: 49:b8:cb:87:04:8c:49:39:45:83:dd:4c:cf:c7:54:57:b0:9e:84:5d
    Distinguished name: Equifax Secure Certificate Authority, Equifax, US

Just accept the certificate permanently.