I’m going to migrate from JOGL 1.1.1 to 2.0 beta 10. I’m using Eclipse and when I was going to include the JOGL libraries, i saw there are a lot of them now!
I’m using AWT and targetting for windows, linux and mac. I’m going to migrate gradually my code from OpenGL 2.1 to 3.2.
So, please can sbdy tell me what are the jar libraries and system libraries I need?
For example, for linux I suppose I can discard all jar and system libraries wich refer to newt.
Now, from the libnativewindow*.so files, do I need only libnativewindow_awt.so or do I need more?
I suppose that I need all the gles1, gles2, gl2* jar files?
What is -cdc? for example do I need gluegen-rt-cdc.jar or gluegen-rt.jar? And jogl.all.cdc.jar or jogl.all.jar?
I suppose I need jogl.awt.jar and not jogl.all-noawt.jar
And jogl.cg.jar?
Or… maybe it’s better to include all of them?
Thanks in advance.