(midp 1.0) flipper ball beta test


Just in time for the US open tennis tournament, I’ve uploaded “Flipper Ball”, a sort of a hybrid of pong and tennis, maybe more like pinball? The reason I wrote this while developing Weekend Racer was to test the waters of fixed point physics, which I’m happy to say seem to work, at least for this simple game, however, I did find out there are problems with it. The system seems to work only if the world is rather huge, close to the limits of ints, any smaller, the errors get big, any larger and there are overflows (I’m talking about a few bits of difference here, just enough to get the job done for this tiny playfield). So, I’d have to say making a larger field in fixed point would be damned nearly impossible, so I’m probably not going to convert Weekend Racer to fixed point. In any case, I’m gonna need to test this before I set it loose on the public, so you guys get the first swing at it (pun intended). Let me know what phone you tested on, what the framerate was like, was there jitter in the framerate? The graphics engine is based on a previous game that’s been tested, so hopefully there won’t be any problems. Naturally, it’s been tested on WTK23. Thanks in advance for your ongoing help.

As usual, two mirrors (probably won’t need it, but just in case)…

