MIDI OUT transmitter problem

Dear All,

I’m trying to play a MIDI file using Java 1.6.0-beta2 (with javax.sound.midi.*), and getting a “MIDI OUT transmitter not available” error.

A quick search shows quite a few people having this problem in J2SE 1.5, often with code that works unchanged in J2SE 1.4.

Anyone know a fix for this problem?

BTW, I do have a soundbank installed, and no unusual sound applications playing at the same time.

  • Andrew

The bug is being added to the Java Bug Database at

It’ll take a few days to appear (today is Oct 20 2006).

When it does turn up, please consider voting for its fixing; it seems like an
important bug to me.

  • Andrew

Why oh why is JavaSound always the first thing to get broken with each release ::slight_smile:

I just voted for this bug.

voted. and erikd has a good point about JavaSound, heh…