I had been working on a game for the JavaFX contest, but couldn’t get what I wanted(performance problems and JavaFX bugs) so I didn’t work on it much, until the day before it was due, I was like wth(Thanks to minecraft, I saw the amount of updates and thought I should stop being lazy) and worked all day and night till 6am. I had to change a lot to get something playable, which meant a lot had to be removed.
And I ended up with something simple:
Controls are: Arrow keys and mouse client to fire, and AWSD and F to fire.
P to pause.
It’s a 2d 2player robot battle game. Sorry no AI yet. Its a applet.
Enjoy the music (made by Blackhole).
The idea is from a crappy game “The dot game” my brother used to play, which was a dot shooting at other dots on a black screen, which supported a lot of players. I don’t remember what it was called.
I’ll be adding up to 8+ players, AI, power ups, options, maps, more tiles, more art, cell phone version, etc
And later once JavaFX is optimised a little more, I’ll build what I wanted in the first place but as a separate game.
Note: The game will lag if there’s lots of bullets on screen.
Last changes:
Added heath bars.
Removed heath stats.
Added pause fuction §.
Moved the position where the bullets fire.
When a player dies, only that character is now restarted.
Fixed firing through walls.
Complied using JavaFx 1.2.
Fixed a few bugs.
Speed up the bullet firing.
Optimisations x3.
Temporary removed song changing.