mesh animation with JOGL?


I’m new to JOGL. I’d like to do an animation that uses some live external data that influences the some meshes inside the animation. But, I don’t want to hard-code the mesh I’ll try to animate, so my natural question is:

Is there a library for JOGL that would render and animate a mesh, that was previously drawn in a 3D editor, like blender? By animation I mean basically moving some highlighted points in the mesh, that would drag some parts with it.

What I’m trying to do is to write an animation for our robot installation: - so the mesh would be quite simple, basically one arm with 6 sections.


Maybe you are better suited to use Java3D or Xith3D. I think there are loaders available for them that can load a model into the scene graph assigning the single segments to different transform groups, so you can use inverse kinematic to animate them. But don’t ask me for details :wink: