Mercury: The Simple 2D Game Library | >> BETA coming soon <<

We’ll look into them, thanks!
Though the engine is based really on OpenGL so I don’t know if it would be easy to abstract it like you said we need to.

  • Team Alluminum

We have a huge update coming soon for the engine courtesy of yours truly :wink: Oh and the rest of TEAM ALLUMINUM… Making an awesome little test “game” to go along with the new update, so watch out for it!

-Team Alluminum

You should use a .gitignore file to remove the /bin folder from your repo.

That looks really cool ;D. May I suggest making the particles to spin around their centers until dead also? And maybe a gradient over time effect (start out black but a gradual fade to white; gradient speed would depend on life). Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Well, I haven’t asked Wessles if I should post about this, so maybe I’ll get yelled at, but I’ve added in networking to MERCury! Well, it was a while ago, but I’m finally getting around to saying it!

We use Kryonet to provide easy to use networking, and fast connections between clients and servers. I have abstracted Kryonet to make it even easier to use(!), and in the process created a few simple demos which you can find on the Github repository here:

The wiki page is almost finished, so take a look at the networking segment when it’s done to see how easy it is to add in online fun!

I like the approach a lot of AAA game engines do. Just try to load from the classpath and the filepath, were as the filepath is prefered over the classpath. This enables someone to easily replace/mod single resources. Say you have a texture in your jar with the name “textures/my/awsome/skin.jpg”, know if some player things that he want to lay with some other skin, he can just add a file with the same name to his own game directory.

This has the approach that the players are not corrupting their core game-files while modding, which lets them still upgrade/patch the game without troubles.

Computer pics are broken because you’re linking to your GMail.

Hey you should keep that awsome-ness with the current 3 image parameter TextBox, but why not also allow for this :

TextBox saucysBox = new TextBox("Blarg!", [size-parameters]);

And procedurally generate the textures, like Swing. I doubt it would be easy, but it would be a cool feature.

In fact, I might take a stab at it, if you dont mind.

Anyway, this is cool stuff.

Sorry, I was vauge.

I meant that it would be interesting if it would generate a procedural texture based on the size parameter, so you wouldnt have to pass in any images. Because, for instance, if you pass in a low res texture and have a wall of text, it will stretch itself out, and it would be a pain to have alot of differently sized textures for gui.

You could have a constructor with no texture parameters that generates one for you that will fit the size. Like in swing with JButton,

JButton b = new JButton(“ButtonText”);
//do whatever else.

Swing generates the button texture for you, based on the size you gave it, is what I’m trying to say.

I admit to being lazy and not working on GUI. It’s not really my cuppa. Still much more to come though!

[sup][sup][sup](Wes Get The f**k On IRC Right Now or I’ll bash your head in. #jeviny, Esper.)[/sup][/sup][/sup]

  • Jev

I’m coming back too Wes :wink: The teams all back together! cliche music plays

Dude your old laptop looks EXACTLY like mine! Ha.
HP Pavilion ENVY dv6 is mine, that one looks like a HP Pavilion ENVY also.

Can we get back on topic before this ends up in the chitchat monster?

  • Jev

Looks like you have a problem.

Meh, our name is an abbreviation. I don’t think it could possibly matter legally because… They are just game engines that are free.

Yeah but Apple is a huge company just looking to snatch up more money from smaller companies. I seriously doubt this person would have a problem with us, but it would be a good move to email her.

it doesnt really matter, its just a name really… how many products/engines have i seen out there that have the same name

So I’ve been whipping up something fun!

Presenting the AutoLoader function! One thing I always hated when working with resources in other libraries was having to load every single resource one at a time, so I decided to implement a loading function that will load all resources for you!

It’s very simple to use (although it is a WIP). Here’s how:

First, you can load resources from within or outside of your Jar file. Currently loading for external is the only function that is complete, internal is going to take some more work. To load resources from a folder (relative to the Jar file):

RM.autoLoad("src_base/com/teama/merc/test/resTest", false);

The first parameter the function takes is the folder you wish to load resources from. The second parameter is whether the path is pointing to external or internal resources. The function then loads the files (only files that have parsers for them will load) and adds them to the list of resources contained in the ResourceManager.

Anyway, hope someone enjoys my brain child :slight_smile:

  • Team Alluminum

Thank you for posting this, I feel more people should use IRC.

On a second note, I added a bot to the channel. Feel free to mess around with it.

  • Jev