MECH VS Zombies!

I’ve made a game to show off what my engine is capable of doing. IT includes loading, and animating ms3d models, loading obj models for levels, full 3d gameplay, bloom, and of course: MECHS AND ZOMBIES!

-Check out the -

ERROR: 0:1: '' :  Version number not supported by GL2

create screen frag shader
Info log:
No errors.

attach frag screen shader
attach vert screen shader
link screen shader
validate screen shader
print screen shader
Info screenProg log:

enter loop
Exception in thread "main" org.lwjgl.opengl.OpenGLException: Invalid operation (
        at org.lwjgl.opengl.Util.checkGLError(
        at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.glUseProgram(

Crashes to desktop. Is it just my crappy laptop? I know it supports all OpenGL 2.0 functions :S

Try running it without bloom. go into the config.cfg file and turn screen shader to 0. Also try changing full screen if the screen shader doesn’t work.

No error this time, but the screen remains black, windowed and fullscreen. I do hear the audio though.

UPDATE: I ran it again in windowed mode, I do see the opening graphics. Then I hit space, hear the audio, see the world with the two guns, then instant JVM crash with the same error as below. Conclusion: my system is utterly and thoroughly crappy. :slight_smile:

Also, I ran it again without your changes, and this time the JVM crashed with an error relating to the Intel OpenGL driver so yup, shaders seem broken on my machine :frowning:

Could you either please include Linux natives, or say me which lwjgl version you use? UnsatisfiedLinkError for me, when I put 2.8.3 natives in.

Sorry about that, added in the natives for other OSes. Download link is the same.

Very strange…
This is how my directory looks like:

This is what it prints:

EDIT: Linux 64 bit here. LWJGL 2.8.3 works perfectly, I have never tested 2.8.4

EDIT2: Lol, Fun green “Loading…” bar at the top, I have never seen before :smiley:

You need to put


before -jar

I DID try that, but then I tried it with just copying the natives into the directory the Jar is, and it didn’t work either.
(Look at my picture from the directory, the natives are there, and they are from native/linux)

Did you put


before -jar after you copy/pasted the natives into the main folder?

:cranky: No, to sum it up:

First I tried it with -Djava.library.path=./natives/linux/, which did not work. Then I copyed the natives into the directory, where the jar is, without writing -Djava… etc., which did not work too. Then I made both screens with the last runs, and wrote the post.

You should have an icon for mech vs zombies (like on the toolbar, for Windows).
Cool game. You should add obstacles and terrain and stuff. Why are the guns yellow?

Fixed the huge memory leak that mad the game unplayable after a little bit.

Works fine no probs for me looking good :slight_smile: