Happy holidays to all!
I’m experimenting with Java6 and the accelerated version of the GLJpanel, and I came across a strange behavior. When I maximized my app window, some times (not always), my app framerate dropped to 0.1 fps. This happened with GLJpanel, CompositeGLJpanel (Chris Campbell’s component) and GLCanvas, and I noticed it also with the CompositeGLCanvas demo posted here some days ago. The runtime args I’m using are : -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true. The noddraw parameter doesn’t seen to affect the whole thing, and if I omit the java2d.opengl parameter, everything is normal, no frame rate drops when app window is maximized, but no acceleration for GLJpanel of course. Also, at all cases, when returning to the window original size, everything is normal.
I profiled my app using yourkit, and when maximizing the app window, the profiler shows that 100% of the time is consumed to
sun.java2d.opengl.OGLRenderQueue$QueueFlusher.run() but only 40% of that time goes to the display() call. Also reported hotspots are mostly calls to com.sun.opengl.impl.GLImpl.glCallList(int), and also calls to com.sun.opengl.impl.GLImpl.glDrawElements(int, int, int, Buffer).
Any ideas? I’m using a Geforce4ti4200, with the latest drivers and with the latest jogl version/nightly build.