It is looking very good for Markus. He is doing really well and has added a lot of more features than I expected. I hope that he will add that beautiful light effects before he finishes it…
I’m nowhere near good enough to make something like that in 48 hours. I don’t even know how to do that raycasting thingy.
On the other hand I wouldn’t make that n00b mistake of making the first room only exitable by using an undocumented feature on a very difficult to spot graphic
“Trying to balance game play against scale is interesting. I can do HUGE oceans with HUGE islands very easily and fast now, but it plays bad.” - Notch ( Markus )
Having technical skill may be beneficial sometimes, until you start to really look at it and realize there isn’t much depth or longevity in pure engineering. Excellent Design will eventually win out.
This might be a dumb question, but I watched part of the stream and he was able to update running code without having to star and stop the applet. He was working on some fonts. How the *@#^ did he do that?