I’m currently working on some game where I want to throw entities off a cliff.
Now I need to make the entity move in 90 degrees in the arms of the “Thrower”.
I’ve been testing some things but I can’t really get to an idea how to get this entity move smooth.
This is what my Thrower class currently looks like:
package nl.tdegroot.exgj.Justice;
import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;
import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Rectangle;
import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Vector2f;
public class Thrower {
private final Vector2f velocity;
private final Rectangle position;
private boolean increment = true;
private float minX = 470f;
private float minY = 470f;
private float maxX = 520f;
private float maxY = 520f;
private final float friction = 0.55f;
private float movementSpeed = 5f;
public Thrower() {
velocity = new Vector2f();
position = new Rectangle(500, 500, 50, 50);
public void update(GameContainer gc, int delta) throws SlickException {
velocity.x *= friction;
velocity.y *= friction;
if (Math.abs(velocity.x) < friction) velocity.x = 0f;
if (Math.abs(velocity.y) < friction) velocity.y = 0f;
if (increment) {
velocity.x += movementSpeed;
velocity.y -= movementSpeed;
} else {
velocity.x -= movementSpeed;
velocity.y += movementSpeed;
float newX = position.getX() + velocity.x;
float newY = position.getY() + velocity.y;
if (newX <= minX || newY <= minY) {
increment = true;
} else if (newX >= maxX || newY >= maxY) {
increment = false;
System.out.println("" + newX + ", " + newY);
if (newX != 0) {
if (newY != 0) {
public void render(GameContainer gc, Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(position.getX(), position.getY(), 50, 50);
Any help would be highly appreciated!