Make Jar File into an Executable on CD

So, for a competition I must make my java game into and executable cd. eg; when the cd is plugged in, the jar automatically runs. This is extremely necessary so is there any way i can do this? Thanks

Use Launch4J. I’m almost sure there are some online tutorials for that.

Will do! Looking it up right now

Well that tool certainly is useful, but I see no way to make an executable cd out of it. What I am thinking of is where as soon as you put the CD into the computer, the program executes without you having to click anything or do anything.

Know your Google Fu: “Adding autorun to a CD”

You’ll have to mess around with it if you’re not using an actual .exe file. But you should be able to edit it to call "java -jar " instead.

Ah I didn’t know it was called autorun :P. Thanks for the help!

Your best bet is still make it exe with launch4j, and add autorun.inf to call it.