Make AI Not Run Into Each Other?

So, In my game, I have enemies that will follow you using the angle between the player and the enemy. Often the enemies will get bunched up and follow the same path, like so:
From this

Over time to this (It is really the 4 different enemies you saw in the first pic touched into the same spot, since they follow me by the same angle…)

The Code:

		// Get differences from player to enemy.
		Player target = World.getPlayer();
		float dx = target.x - x;
		float dy = target.y - y;
		float dist = (float) Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));

		rot = MTrig.atan2(dx, dy);
		// Just to make sure it stops before it gets too close to me.
		if (dist <= MUNCHING_DISTANCE) {

		// Move according to the angle
		move(MTrig.cos(rot) * speed, MTrig.sin(rot) * speed, delta);

What I want is to make sure they do not bunch up into ‘one enemy’ like that.


Oh, and I know what the problem is caused by… They are running on identical algorithms. I want to know what I should do to solve it.