Tested on OS X 10.3.2 JRE 1.4.2_03 on a 1GHz Powerbook G4:
- The build.xml file does not properly package the distribution. The libjinput.jnilib file should not be left in plugins/OSX/src/native. The plugins/OSX/src/native/build folder remains empty after the build.
Ideally all the plugin jars and native libs should be placed together in ‘dist’ subdirectories or something - named for each platform
Several keys are not reported on my 1GHz Tibook
All qualifier keys and PgUp, PgDn, CapsLock (PgUp/PgDn are on the cursor up/down keys and triggered when the ‘fn’ key is held when pressing these… since home/end uses the same technique and is reported I figured these should too.) -
Key names are not shown for any keys -How do you make a meaningful UI to show what key the user presses when they assign a key to an action?
Everything is reported as ‘Key n’ where n is 0 to 255. -
Trackpad reports a right button but it only has a single button. Software will make incorrect decisions about available buttons, possibly making the game uncontrollable.
MacAlly iShock II FFB Game Controller - recognized but no axis or buttons are reported - this used to work… on OS X 10.2. The controller still works to move the mouse pointer around the screen and the iShockXManager app works fine. The controller is working.
I know that some of these issues are the fault of bugs in the OS. But should we try to work around them in the plugin?