Mac OS X classpath issues?

I’ve looked everywhere and tried everything I know to do but cannot solve this.

If I put the JOGL jars and libraries in, for example, the /Library/Java/Extensions directory (not recommended) JOGL works in XCode development but downloaded JOGL applets & applications do not work.

But if I put JOGL in, say, /Users/dean/Development/Java/JOGL and set the CLASSPATH & DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables accordingly (per the official JOGL user instructions), downloaded JOGL applets & applications work but XCode development doesn’t. I get “package does not exist”, etc. & “cannot find symbol” errors.

I don’t want to have to choose between developing my own and running others’ JOGL applets; I want to do both. Can anyone tell me how? I’m running Mac OS X 10.4.1 with JOGL 1.1.1 rc3.

P.S. I’m having no problems with Java, non-JOGL, develpment in XCode.

I don’t know XCode, but does it include it’s own internal classpath/library variables if you configure JOGL as an external/user library? As an Eclipse user, I’ve had more success with JOGL by setting it up like that instead of modifying system-wide environment variables. If so, you could get XCode to work while installing JOGL to a non /lib/ext directory.

I don’t know why it hasn’t worked for you. I have a mac and webstart jogl applications generally work fine and it has never not worked because of an issue with jogl.

Are you setting the environment in a way that XCode knows about them? e.g. if you set them in a terminal window and then launch XCode from the Dock or Finder it won’t inherit those settings. You could try launching XCode from the terminal and see if that changes anything, e.g.:

/Developer/Applications/ &

my way to manage my librairies for the whole stuff of Java Development is to use the /Library/Java/Extensions for dev libs support, whereas the applications releases will get loaded with a specific file loader that copies all the required libs in one of the classpath directories, that is by default /library/java/extensions isn’t it? What is for sure that any application release should get their libraries loaded at runtime, which is always a complex thing to do if you don’t do it yourself by using a custom install-tool or wizard or whatever.
Hence I’d recommend to use a self-lib loader that tmp. copies files on classpath with option (File).deleteOnExit(), that is the solution. :smiley: