[quote]If we could have the LWJGL, DevIL, JOGL, JOAL, JInput, and SDL libs specified as extensions and hosted, then we could mandate that the entry is launched via webstart and references the specified extensions. The size restriction is on any non-library jar files, excluding the JNLP file. Sound ok?
Yeah, that’s pretty much exactly what I’d been tinkering with - the “upload new version” system on JGF is pluggable with different handlers for different “releases”, so … I’ve (locally) got a “64kcompetition” release, which looks through the uploaded game, checks total filesizes etc, and generally verifies it’s a “valid” competition entry.
Then, because it’s now tagged, that particular release of that game then shows up on the competition’s page as one of the releases for that competition.
I’m currently working on the “automatically assign an entry to a particular “round” of the competition based upon submission timestamp”, but not got anything working there yet.
…although first I want to get the “hosted JNLP extensions” running. Worst-case scenario, if it’s taking a long time to get ready: in one afternoon I can manually put them on JGF, customize the HTML template that builds the submission form to have “use LWJGL?” etc checkboxes, and the JNLP servlet will pick that up and use my (hard-coded) local URL’s to the extensions.
But, assuming no comp is going to start in the next 5 days, I’m currently taking the time to make a general-purpose “extensions / libraries upload system” so all the other games on JGF can share refs…