I’ve implemented testing voxel at player position, this is what I’ve already done and it isn’t very accurate, you can still pass through blocks - hence the reason I was asking over using AABB.
Or are you saying which maybe you are - use each corner of the player as position for voxel, thus you could test 8 positions?
@Argo - so, once I’ve got the block I then use sphere test with the blocks AABB?
I think doing a sphere (player) to AABB (voxel) test would prove best method. I’ve modified some AABB/Circle/CollisionLibrary class code to support Z:
public class AABB {
public Vector center;
public float r[];
public AABB(final float width, final float height, final float depth) {
center = new Vector();
r = new float[3];
r[0] = width * 0.5f;
r[1] = height * 0.5f;
r[2] = depth * 0.5f;
public void update(final Vector position) {
center.x = position.x;
center.y = position.y;
center.z = position.z;
public class Circle {
public Vector center;
public float radius;
public Circle(final float radius) {
center = new Vector();
this.radius = radius;
public void update(final Vector position) {
center.x = position.x;
center.y = position.y;
center.z = position.z;
public class CollisionLibrary {
public static boolean testAABBAABB(final AABB box1, final AABB box2) {
if (Math.abs(box1.center.x - box2.center.x) > (box1.r[0] + box2.r[0])) return false;
if (Math.abs(box1.center.y - box2.center.y) > (box1.r[1] + box2.r[1])) return false;
if (Math.abs(box1.center.z - box2.center.z) > (box1.r[2] + box2.r[2])) return false;
return true;
public static float sqDistPointAABB(final Vector p, final AABB aabb) {
float sqDist = 0.0f;
float v;
float minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
// get the minX, maxX, minY, maxY and minZ, maxZ points of the AABB
minX = aabb.center.x - aabb.r[0];
maxX = aabb.center.x + aabb.r[0];
minY = aabb.center.y - aabb.r[1];
maxY = aabb.center.y + aabb.r[1];
minZ = aabb.center.z - aabb.r[2];
maxZ = aabb.center.z + aabb.r[2];
// test the bounds against the points X axis
v = p.x;
if (v < minX) sqDist += (minX - v) * (minX - v);
if (v > maxX) sqDist += (v - maxX) * (v - maxX);
// test the bounds against the points Y axis
v = p.y;
if (v < minY) sqDist += (minY - v) * (minY - v);
if (v > maxY) sqDist += (v - maxY) * (v - maxY);
// test the bounds against the points Z axis
v = p.z;
if (v < minZ) sqDist += (minZ - v) * (minZ - v);
if (v > maxZ) sqDist += (v - maxZ) * (v - maxZ);
return sqDist;
public static boolean testCircleAABB(final Circle circle, final AABB box) {
// get the squared distance between circle center and the AABB
float sqDist = sqDistPointAABB(circle.center, box);
float r = circle.radius;
return sqDist <= r * r;