…seems to be stable. We will have a release up soon enough but until then grab the jars out of Super Elvis:

and update any jME demos you might have so they’ll run on OSX :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

jME CVS runs on the mac now :slight_smile:

Nice :slight_smile:

Is anybody yet producing an actual game out of jME?

Cas :slight_smile:

Well, I know that renanse makes a game called Dirt, DarkProhet makes a game too, and I’ve seen some others projects (NetFighter, *Phobia…) around the jME forum…

I’m making a sort of game too in my free time (only some hours a week… :eek: )… In this game you’ll be a man who walk around in a world where you’ll be able to see many advanced features of jME in action. More a demo than a game, but an interactive demo to show what can be done in jME… But don’t expect it before a while :-/


It would do a lot of good for jME if there could be at least one real game available by the time JGFv3 launches. As it stands, the jME page has no games embedded in it because no-one’s submitted a jME game (unless there’s one in the queue of pending games that I haven’t noticed).

By contrast, there’s a couple for each of Xith and Java3D…

curious: what kind of traffic does JGF get?

Dirt is done by myself and another guy… both of us have real jobs though so it makes things a bit slow. Lately Real Life has made things drop for a bit. Hopefully we can pick things back up on it soon…

Also, Mojo and I have bantered around a remake of an old classic so if we get that off the ground, we could use that.

[quote]curious: what kind of traffic does JGF get?

What do you want to know? IP addresses :slight_smile: ?

Seriously, I don’t have any stats on readership, audience etc - that stuff requires running questionnaires and having CGI and stuff, none of which is possible on the current site (which is part of why we’ve been working towards a replacement site! :)).

I can try to answer specific questions with some approximate accuracy - mainly because I know the different sites that have linked to JGF and what throughput of traffic they drive. From that I have a good idea of what kind of people are visiting and why, but it’s still only approximate.

Perhaps best to start a new topic elsewhere, rather than threadjack this one…

When I finally get the levels for GB done (read another month or 5) I’ll be producing Martian Madness 2 in JME coupled with ODE… at least thats the current inspiring plan.
