LWJGL is working again

I fixed the LWJGL renderer to work again. It has nearly absolute the same code like the JOGL renderer code except the differences gl.bla() -> GL11.bla().

I tested it with the standard camera flight in the Q3 level. It is about 9% slower than JOGL (or JOGL 9% faster than LWJGL).

But one thing annoys me: Doesn’t it support F1-F12 keys?


Interestingly enough, when I run the bsp loader test and switch Canvas3DWrapper’s default OpenGLLayer to LWJGL, I get a 33% boost to my frame rate. I do spot some issues such as texture filtering looks wrong in the lwjgl version.

Also, LWJGL does indeed support the function keys… we use them all the time in jME.

Strange ???. You don’t need to modify the code for this. Just start org.xith3d.test.Xith3DTestStarter and select your desired mode ;).


What about the field org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.KEYBOARD_SIZE? It returns a value that doesn’t seem to include the function keys.

Then please do the benchmarks with LWJGL ;).

If you get a 33% boost by switching bindings, you’re probably way over 300fps, which probably means it’s maybe 1ms per frame faster.

Maybe LWJGL runs a lot faster on Windows ???

Well, it’s a difference between about 150 FPS and 200 FPS. Getting 50 additional frames per second is nothing to sneeze at.

If you had a Geforce MX 440 SE, then yeah, gaining 50 FPS would be a thing to sneeze at ;D ;D

I doubt that. Both frameworks are equally fast regarding OpenGL, but maybe you should start the test with -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true, since direct draw causes problems with jogl.