I’m just starting play with 3D kind something:) I choose LWJGL.
- How can I do function like fade to white and fade to black?
- Is it complicate to draw 3D model?
- Can I draw something in back screen? (like drawing, but not display)
I’m just starting play with 3D kind something:) I choose LWJGL.
This is not SMS. You’ll find people are more eager to answer your questions when you speak in complete sentences.
Set the opengl clear colour to black
start with a variable alpha= 1;
then every frame decrease alpha until it equals 0. (decrease it by 0.001 each frame)
set the colour using GL11.glColor4f(1,1,1,alpha); //r,g,b,a
Draw a rectangle over the whole screen, using the above colour.
WAY too complicated. Don’t even try it at this stage. First try drawing textured squares and cubes, if you understand that, then maybe look at models.
I agree with sproingie.
Look at tutorials here: http://lwjgl.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page for how to learn basic lwjgl.
Thanks for help.
2. I can draw 2D boxes, circles, etc., but in some part of my game I must draw 3D models (for example inventory object), so there was my question
I don’t see why you would want 3D objects as inventory models if the rest of your game is 2D. Heck, even having 3D inventory objects is very uncommon.
Well. I’m making a JAVA remake of the game which was make in 90’s. It has map in 2d, but models (even inv. in 3D)
If you just want to make boxes/geometrical shapes in 3d then use your math skills If there are more complex models pick up a program like blender.
I’m using orginal files for this game, so I need only render it:)
If the original files contain vertices then just draw it as triangles
I will try, thanks:)
What do u mean by that?
I think theagentd wanted to say that it’s a no match, gameplay in 2D but suddenly everything has one more degree in inventory menu. A game will try to be totally 2D or 3D.
- LWJGL already double buffers for you so you needn’t worry about that
Sorry, this I want to quote:)
What do you mean by that?
LWJGL doesn’t really double buffer anything for you.
OpenGL has (almost always) two buffers: the buffer that is onscreen and the buffer that is not (backbuffer).
You always render to a buffer that is invisible, so there is no need to perform (manual) double buffering.
Ok… is SDL has it? Could u tell me step by step how to configure to use it?
Ok… is SDL has it?
Yes. No. Maybe?
Could u tell me step by step how to configure to use it?
Google has step-by-step guides for everything, including self-teaching.
So… Riven… what you are using? or you don’t draw 3D?
I use LWJGL to rasterize 2D projections of representations of virtual 3D objects, based on binary stored geometry and precise matrix transformations. :persecutioncomplex:
I use LWJGL to rasterize 2D projections of representations of virtual 3D objects, based on binary stored geometry and precise matrix transformations. :persecutioncomplex:
I can hear the whooshing sounds over people’s heads already! :o