LWJGL FlashLight "Sway"

You know how in all those great horror games and such they have those nice little flashlights that “lag” when you turn or move like you were turning in real life? Something like this:

How would I replicate this? I am using LWJGL and so far in the update code for the camera I have this:


I was thinking of using a lerp funtion, but I am not quite sure how to do the maths for those and I am going to research that now, but I was wondering what you guys thought about it!


Multiply light speed by a fraction of the full turn speed?

Simply move the light a fraction of a second after the camera moves. It’s not that the hand is moving slower, it’s just that naturally, when we turn our bodies, our head starts to look in that direction before the rest of our body registers the command…or something like that.

They could be making the light direction a moving average of your look direction so that it moves smoothly even if you jerk your mouse around. It could also be some other method of smoothing, but a moving average should work. Just adjust the number of points you do the average over to get the desired balance between too much jerk and too much lag.