Hi everyone,
I’ve started using OpenGL, or more specifically LWJGL and I’ve had a concern in the way the scene is rendered. In the main class I’ve created a sample floor made out of a single quad that spans from the origin to positive 10 in the X axis and positive 10 in the Y axis. The camera class I’ve written was cobbled together from the sample code given in glframe.h in the OpenGL Superbible 4th Edition, if anyone’s familiar with that. I also have a Camera class that manages changes in the orientation and the position of the first person view. I’ve pastebinned this so you can see (I tried to keep the length short and directly relevant):
The default orientation I have for the camera is looking up the positive Z direction (I’m fairly certain) and at (0,0,0), so the floor should be in front of the view, to the right like this:
The circle being the camera. However it appears to be rendering on the left hand side of the character and not the right. So like the above image, but flipped vertically. This may just be a glitch in the way I’ve copied it over from the C++ example, but can anyone spot what’s causing this?