Hi, I’m wondering if there is a “recommended” way or something that would be better than what I’m currently doing.
My game currently has animations that are hundreds of frames, and there are hundreds of animations. I’m wondering if loading each of those frames as a separate image and then running those through a loop of some sort is the best way to do it.
Currently there is a spritesheet for each animation, that image is loaded as a BufferedImage, then the code splits it into individual BufferedImages for each frame, and adds them to the animation. It just seems like there is a much more efficient way to do this, perhaps some external library exists that makes animations easier.
I’ve entertained the idea of defining animations with XML or something like that, and loading the different limbs and bone structures of say a player, and having the code itself run through the animation rather than running through frames.
I’m not really seeing any performance issues doing this way, but it seems like there should be a better way.
Please don’t say use LibGDX, I’m making it from straight LWJGL as I’m more interested in learning the core stuff than finishing a complete game.