Please do not try to start API wars, this is a highly controversial subject. But I will try to list the LWJGL 3 pros and cons.
[] The static design is perfect for people who are coming from C/C++ background. Allows to static import functions and constants, and work just like it’s native program.
[] Wraps GLFW, which is a perfect C library (best in my opinion, but there are others too) which provides windowing, context creation, input and event abstraction for cross platform OpenGL apps, which is also compatible with core profile OpenGL.
[] Provides bindings to the OpenAL soft library, which ensures that you can use OpenAL on any system. If it was just OpenAL bindings, it will require the user to install the OpenAL runtime through oal_inst.exe, but LWJGL prevents that with OpenAL Soft binary distribution.
[] Provides bindings to the OpenCL, a perfect API that allows you to compute using the GPU with kernels.
[] It is the only library that I know of which currently provides bindings to the Vulkan API. Vulkan is a next generation low level cross platform graphics and compute API, which allows more low level hook into the GPU.
[] Also provides bindings to the JEmalloc, a cross platform memory management implementation.
[] Allows you to create off screen contexts using native bindings to WGL, EGL, GLX, etc.,
[] The bindings to STB libraries allows you to read images, decode OGG audio data, parse truetype fonts, and a lot of things too.
[] The static design of course. A lot of people are against it as much as the people who love it. I think it is just not perfect for all times, but perfect to the design choice as the goal is to make the user think that he is using native APIs directly.
[] AWT integration. It is not possible to integrate GLFW with AWT, but with the new JAWT bindings, things might change soon.
[] SWT integration. It is only possible up to an extent (no core OpenGL support) with Kai’s new library. Need to check it, can’t say more on that.
[] JavaFX integration. I don’t know of any solution except any hacks.
I’m just listing the pros and cons so the OP can choose which he wants. Please do not make this controversial with why this is best and so on. Just let the OP choose.