LWJGL 3; how's it getting along?


Looking at the roadmap https://github.com/LWJGL/lwjgl3/wiki/1.3.-Roadmap it mentions aiming for a beta release in Q1 2014.

Any updates to that roadmap?


I’m really interested in this too, that I’ve asked Spasi about this. He replied that there will be a public release after GLFW 3.1 has been released. Current progress of GLFW is at 83% as specified in their homepage.

That’s all I know, hoping to get it early. The API seems interesting (as described in the roadmap). Any future releases for us Spasi?

I just pushed a commit that completes the support for all ARB and KHR extensions. The OpenGL core (1.1 to 4.5), all ARB/KHR extensions and the OpenCL core (1.0 to 2.0) include full documentation. This has been the bottleneck so far, but totally worth the effort imho. I’m sure many improvements and fixes will be needed in the future, but I consider that work done for the first LWJGL 3 release.

The next step is adding support for EXT and vendor-specific extensions. I’ll skip documentation for those, to speed things up, it can be added at a later point (hopefully by contributors). I’ll also aggressively cull obsolete extensions. There are hundreds of extensions, so let me know if you have specific needs and I’ll try to prioritize those.

Note that I plan to make the build process configurable, so that only a specific subset of the supported bindings is included in the final binaries. This will allow advanced users to create custom LWJGL builds, with only the functionality they care about. So, I’m open to supporting any extension or API (Mantle? D3D12?), as long as there’s someone out there whose going to find it useful.

As for the first beta release, recently I’ve been investigating options for setting up nightly builds. Both for LWJGL itself and its binary dependencies (currently GLFW, libFFI and OpenAL Soft). I’m hoping that by the time GLFW 3.1 is released, the nightly builds will be up and running. I’ll also try to freshen up the wiki.

LWJGL 3 nightly builds are now available. Details here.

Permalink to latest build: build.lwjgl.org/nightly/lwjgl.zip

How does the build work if I want to build it locally? Can I just go “ant” and have it build, including natives?

Yes, binary dependencies are downloaded automatically.

Sounds pretty damned nice, need to find time to check it out.

I’m really loving GLFW3!

This is a windowed window on the left monitor, with full screen on the right monitor. Really cool stuff!

Online javadoc is up at javadoc.lwjgl.org

Is there a get-started tutorial somewhere? Where is the information on how the new window system works?

http://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/quick.html should be of some help, assuming there hasn’t been too much abstraction.

I love GLFW 3. Been using it for a while with the Rust bindings. It’s ridiculously simple to use but it still gives you plenty of control when you need it.


There is one addition that you need to make though: call [icode]GLContext.createFromCurrent()[/icode] after making the context current for the first window, to use Opengl. (I assume that you would have to do this for every OGL thread as well)

Edit: Heroes beat me to it.

You can find some demos in the LWJGL repo, here.

The new LWJGL site is now live.

I spent about 5 minutes on that site. Do you have a short primer on the new things in 3 that aren’t in 2? Or a set or release notes?

Some of that info can be found on the LWJGL 3 wiki. Note that it hasn’t been updated for a year (will do soon).

Biggest change compared to 2 is the windowing system. The Display class and all input APIs are gone and have been replaced by GLFW. So 3 supports everything that GLFW supports, which is a lot.

Note that LWJGL 3 is currently in pre-alpha and the site will be updated with additional information once we start getting close to the final release. A porting guide for LWJGL 2 users is planned, as well as a compatible API layer (if possible), to simplify the transition.

Looks jolly good.

Cas :slight_smile:

Nice Bug with Firefox 33.0.3:

Not reproducible with Firefox 33.1.

I find the website quite pretty and well designed. Finding something isn’t difficult. It’s easy to find the most important information. The “get started” section is simple, it’s easy to understand for a beginner but it doesn’t go into details about how to setup the libraries in an IDE. As it seems to require at least Java 1.7, how will you support Android?

Edit.: Sorry for my silly question about Android as you don’t support EGL yet.

for Android and iOS support, LWJGL could always write a LibGDX backend :slight_smile: