Ludum Dare - How do you guys deploy to the web?

Hello fellows,

As I want to participate in the next Ludum Dare (it will be my first one), I decided to reflect on the opportunities I as a Java developer has in terms of deploying to the web. Out of the box, you’ve applets and webstarts. I’ve never had any luck with any of them (webstarts crash all the time and applets don’t register the keyboard that well on OS X). So the only option left (as I see it) is to use GWT+OpenGLES/LibGDX.

Is that all, or is it something I don’t see?

As far as I know, libgdx is the only viable option :smiley: You can use lwjgl, but I tried it and it really get messy…

You might want to try Dart. It is basically a language built on top of JS, meaning it compiles to JS. It is really efficient(as far as I heard :smiley: ) and object oriented like Java. It features full webgl support out of the box. Pretty cool if you want to make web games i think. I will probably try it when I make my first game for web.

Yeah, I’ve tried Dart and made a simple WebGL framework with it. It’s quite decent. But as I’m far more comfortable in Java, I think I’ll stick with it for now.