Ludum Dare 26 starting 26th April!

I’m in! It’s school holidays, too!

How old are you?

I’m out. :’(

My family’s going away for the weekend.


It’s pretty awesome you started so young. I’ve been playing around with programming a bit since I was around 15 or so but was never serious about it. I’m 25 now and have only been doing it for a few months steady.

The competition will start at 10PM eastern time on Friday for me. I have work all night Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Nope: no time for this competition :frowning:

I wish I had the time and energy to do this sort of thing. As it is I can’t even get lwjgl16k off the ground :confused:

Cas :slight_smile:

Having exams for me too ( on May 10, 17 and 22 ). Just got result for one. 888 for 1000. I’ll be trying in this competition after they are completed.

I may participate, not sure at all though. Depends on whether the theme is simple enough for me to bother.

And the theme is “Minimalism”!

Dammit, gonna have to think…

Easy theme.

Theme seems simple enough to fix something in a few hours

I shall accept this challenge.

Found this overly-complex description of minimalist games :stuck_out_tongue:

Just thought I’d make a quick post of where I’m at for this LD.
I’m having to enter the jam as I have a friend doing arty stuff for me, and we’re progressing along quite well.

We decided interpret the theme in the setting: a submarine. Submarines are built to be quite minimalistic as they need to be compact yet functional. Basically the premise of the game is that you have to single handedly fix a sinking submarine, namely three components of: The fuel, the battery and the engine, even while they continue to break. There’s very little gameplay(you might even say… MINIMALISTIC ;D), but what you have to do is rather hard.

Looks really nice! Somehow that old school graphics makes me think of the Sierra game “Codename: Iceman” (yes. I´m that old). And a simple mechanic can still make a great game. I´m looking forward to try it out!

And here is my simple entry.

Here is mine, it is called Tune Locks, I literally had no idea what to make, so I just made this XD, if only it was parallel worlds, had a great idea, maybe ill turn it into a game still :slight_smile:

And here’s my sorry attempt!

You may want to edit the “windows” link title since non-windows users will fly away right after see that before notice the lwjgl icon ;D