Ludum Dare 25: You Are the Villain

It’s not to late to join in!

Ludum Dare website

Head over there and get some java games out there!

Theme sucked again :confused:

Oh well, time to put some ideas on paper

-By villain, it means i’m the masterchief, so i can’t be a lesser minion that dies in the first minute of the game, but i also can’t be the final boss who sits in his castle until the very end.
-But it can mean i can see the entire battlefield and send the minions out
-That would suck, since making an AI for a npc to beat a game is harder than making an AI for a npc to beat you while you are trying to beat the game. And i can’t even help the hero, since it would ruin all the concept of “you are the villain”
-Perhaps an anti-game can work? Like when you die, you win it.

Gonna plug my brain on the charger, brb

Damnit, I voted against that theme! Well then…another reason not to participate in Ludum Dare this time :confused:

One vote that I did vote, although can’t figure it out myself ;D

Seriously? you give up that easy?! :o

Well on the easiest way, just set your player to be a demon/whatever preventing hero (npc) to fulfill their good mission.

Nah I said “another reason”. Most important reason: finals next week and TONS of homework to complete :frowning:

Finals for me too…

Your teachers should consider LD event on scheduling :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m doing a game where you’re a villain filled with regret trying to set things right.
