Ludum Dare #17 is this weekend. It’s a 48h game competition where you get a one-word theme.
I’m in. Who else is in? I want to see a lot of Java representation here, even if you’ve only got a few hours to spare like me! Make a JGO Petite in 48 hours if you only have that much time!
I was really looking forward to this.
And at the same time, I was also really looking forward to our house warming party.
It wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago that I realized they were on the same date.
Next time! =D
I am in, with a friend (user ruben01) but we are new in Java Gaming’s World. I hope we can do something good.
Here are some links:
The posts of my friend ruben01 on Ludum Dare 17
The entry on our blog with the links of the games we are developing for the Ludum Dare 17
To simplify, the links of our games as applets:
Floating Islands - stable version
Island Warriors - stable version
Bye people
UPDATE: I have changed the game links to the stable version instead.
aww, u mean ludum dare, doenst win?? lol
I’m disappointed with my voting result. I got #67 out of 204. It seems like a lot of the games that beat me are totally broken or crap, which means that people though my game was totally broken or crap. A lot of people really slammed me on individual votes too.
The sad part of this is that this game’s concept is what I’ve liked the most out of my 3 LD’s, and yet it performed the worst (even when compared against a game I spent only 8 hours on).
But I guess not matching the theme very much at all and not really adding too much original spice really knocked it down a peg. And making it impossible to lose.
Oh well.