Love DC comics, Love card games, Looking for someone who wants to helpout

I am looking for someone friendly, who is interested in this project and someone who is willing to help out.

Hello everyone. I am currently making a card game based on the DC comics universe. The game has pretty awesome mechanics that bring great gameplay and strategy to the hands of players.
I am looking for someone that can code, who is willing to help out with some basic barebones to get the game running.
The barebones game is in order to test it out. It will only need the basic things like:
Drawing, shuffling
putting counters on cards and on the field
attack line, or animation ( which i can create)
Just the barebones in order to play, leaving the mechanics to the user, no card rules or logic for now, as if we were playing in real life on a real table. Automated things will come in the future.

I will take care of the Cards ( over 100 made already) Rules ( Almost all rules are set, want it running to test and see what tweaks need to be made), the playing matt ( already have a barebone prototype, and any Graphics for the game I will take care of. I just need a barebone system with the basics.

This is for someone who
a. wants to help
b. loves the DC comics universe
c. loves card games
or d. is an awesome person who wants to help.

I am paying attention to every little detail and everything will be tested to ensure it is balanced, strategic, and gives the players a lot of choices and of course the main thing, that it is fun to play.

When everything gets going, which i am trying to do as fast as possible, i want to give players a taste of the game, cards, mechanics etc. But for now i can’t until things are put together.

But trust me, once its out there, it will be awesome.

I consider myself a beginner in java programming as far as experience and things I’ve done, but i understand the concepts and the structure. I examine and understand concepts that are needed very quickly. I want this to be a cooperative effort and something that is fun to make.

Moved to business/projects

You have a far more realistic goal than the vast majority of requests for collaboration on this site, for which I commend you.

On the down side, DC already have their own card game based on the comic characters. This is the kind of project which can’t succeed, because if it attracts attention it will also attract lawyers.

If you’ve managed to design some awesome gameplay and mechanics why not go the extra mile and design some awesome characters for the cards?! :stuck_out_tongue:

If it’s just a bit of fun to enhance your enjoyment of the DC stuff fair enough, but as pjt says you could never sell it with their content in. Or even really share it with anyone but friends without getting a lot of unpleasant hassle.

Anyway surely the point of creating your own stuff (games, comics, whatever) is to make it awesomer than the thing that inspired it. Am I the only one whose light saber when I was a kid also had a machine gun built in?? ???

I really only intend it to be a fun project, and something that people can see and enjoy. I am very confident and i based a lot of things on dc characters. I have the game rules and many many cards done. Since there is no good superhero card game out there i want something i can show a small amount of people at first, then see if i get positive feedback. And maybe even pitch the idea if we can get enough positive feedback. But the selling side is a last thing, i just want to create this awesome game and get feedback.

And since i don’t want automated systems in the barebones project, i just want to create it for show for now and having it in playable form. Also to play it myself with friends if nothing else. I as a gamer myself also want to play this in a playable form, so i can also enjoy playing the game.

Hey, I’ll see what I can whip up quickly after the weekend. I love DC too man. Where are you from?

I was obsessed with batman when I was a boy!

This seems like a fun project but like pjt33 said, it will attract lawyers. Instead, why not make a Marvel vs DC card game (I’m a big fan of marvel :P) since I haven’t seen any of those around. Well… not a digital version.

I can hear the copyright infringement charges from here.

As others have said, this project would get you harassed by DC Comics’ lawyers. It really sounds awesome, but there’s a lot of copyright issues, and you could get sued or even put to jail for this. So, unless you get official statement from DC, you have to create your own characters.

Since the OP did spend time on the actual cards, why not put them on deviant art. Wouldn’t it be legal to make a free to play game based off another game?

EDIT: Or atleast Open Source?