Do you guys ever make a project, and give up on it? This has happened to me allot of times now. Like, allot. I mostly give up on them because I get tired of doing the same idea over and over. I restart because of allot of reasons. Maybe its because I implemented something sloppy into a open source engine and I think I could have done it better. Sometimes its because its not getting any popularity and I feel it should be put away until some other day. Sometimes its because I don’t know how to do something and now I do.
Either way, I’ve stopped allot of projects. Blue machine, Embers Engine, Poss Engine, Journey to the Aether, The secret of Anna, Pablo, SlideFest, Space Platform, MineUniverse, C4RT9, and I can name many others. I have literally never made or finished a game in the 5 years I have been programming, and you may think that its because I never released it, but I never ever got past stuff like entity framework and world mechanics. I’ve made allot of stories and broken game engines, but thats about it…
I’ve tried starting small but they turn out worse, because I’m not really interested in small games.