losing initial value for Y axis value on setting X and Z

hello all,

i have a beginner question :

i have a robot

which i m setting on (0,1.45,0) and then i m moving it like this:

public  boolean moveBy(double x, double z)
    /* Move the sprite by offsets x and z, but only if within the floor
     and there is no obstacle nearby. */
        if (isActive()) {
            Point3d nextLoc = tryMove(new Vector3d(x, 0, z));
            if (obs.nearObstacle(nextLoc, radius*OBS_FACTOR))
                return false;
            else {
                doMove( new Vector3d(x, 0, z) );   // inefficient recalc
                return true;
        else    // not active
            return false;
    }  // end of moveBy()

Accessing TG for that robot, return me always 0 at y axis (x,0,y)

public TransformGroup getTG()
        return objectTG;

but i want the same value, when i get that TG after applying movement on this robot as shown


so what i can do before return TG or where that y value which i set as initial for y why it’s returning y=0.

i want “y” the always same return which i set initially; irrespective of the x and z of TG.
