Looking for pixel artists and level designers

check out the web page for details or to play the current build of the game

Hello all, I am currently looking for some people to join my team so we can get some real progress towards a final product.

It’s a side scrolling platformer about a whole world that’s been turned into lolis.
I have done nearly all of the work so far, with the exception of a sprite artist supplying me with a running loop for the main character.
The game is playable, but extremely bare and most assets are place holders until we can create original items.
I would like to release this game on steam, but it’s much to early in development to know how close that goal is, or if the game is even quality enough for such a release.

Who I need:
Level designers: I have all the details of the location and feel for the levels, but I can’t for the life of me make anything platformerish. Your job would be to basically sketch out and entire level, which consists of 3 sub levels, and deliver back to me so I can convert your drawing into a .map file. I am only working with cubes, so no ramps or other such things as of right now, but that may be able to change in the future. I would like to get multiple level designers on board so that they can shoot each other ideas and work off each other. I currently have one level designer, but he’s yet to produce anything due to mid-terms at Uni.

Pixel artists: I need someone, possible multiple people, to help make the art. The main things that need to be made are the tile map sets and the background images. I’ll be drawing out all the cut scenes, but I really am no good at pixel art, so the in game assets should be done by somebody who has a better grasp on pixel art.

I have plenty of more info available for anyone interested, just shoot me a PM or e-mail me at Stakauto@yahoo.com

Some of my bad concept art for characters.

Don’t know why, but Fraps was killing the fps.


Some random thoughts: there doesn’t seem to be any information about the game on your site. No screenshots, no feature list, no deacription. Just a lot of pictures of big-eyed manga girls. Also, the website is sloooooowwww, takes 5 seconds minimum to load a page. Place the link between [ url ] address [ /url ] tags, it will turn it into a hyperlink.

Anyways, good luck with this.

[quote]The “boss” level is entirely copy paste from someone else, please understand that I’ve never coded anything before so these placeholders are necessary so I can learn java as I go.
This sentence scares me. How do people know that you will be able to create a working game with their assets if you’re “learning java as you go?”

I don’t know why the site is slow, I pay a decent amount for hosting, but I’ll try giving them a call. I didn’t really think I would need screen shots of the game since you could just play it, but I’ll work on a better description, thanks.

This sentence scares me. How do people know that you will be able to create a working game with their assets if you’re “learning java as you go?”
They don’t, but then again, you can download and play what is essentially a tech demo of what I have built so far. The boss level is there to help me learn events and better understand how I should build an AI. I don’t want people coming into this thinking “Oh, this guys a pro and will finish it next month” I simply want to inform them that I am just an amateur. Maybe I should have changed that statement to “Never coded a game”. I’ve been working on this in my spare time for the past 3 weeks and think I’ve laid a decent foundation so far.

I’ll work on some better material for people to understand exactly what this game is. Thanks.

This sentence scares me. How do people know that you will be able to create a working game with their assets if you’re “learning java as you go?”
If anyone wants to play the game and they don’t trust my site, head over to IndieDB to download and play the new release

Spent a couple hours today trying to make an intelligible boss
She doesn’t do exactly what I want, but I can build from this and hopefully have a challenging, yet beatable, boss over the next few days. Now there’s no more copy paste boss, but I still need to tweak it to be fun instead of enraging.

Again, fraps sucks my computer dry when recording


Now we’re talking, looks great! Good luck finding help.