Looking for people to team up, i am a new java programmer.

i think it would be a great way to learn by just having people together exchanging ideas and helping out each other.
skype name: gmeanotherlife. 8)

Moved to Business and Project Discussions :point:
Bango, these threads usually don’t work out, especially when you provide as little information as that. Previous work, what you know, what you want your potential collaborators to know, etc. should all be included.

just to make some friends and have fun.

wait why is this post in the business and project discussion XD

What else would it be in? Certainly not Articles and Tutorials, which is the original section you posted this in. You’re looking for collaborations other people, this is the perfect section.

I think he was mostly just looking for friends to add on skype so that they can chat about Java and game development stuff as opposed to actually collaborating and working on a specific project.

Still the best board to put it in :slight_smile:

If you want to exchange ideas… why don’t use this site? :slight_smile: The same with helping out each other, you can use this forum or portals like StackOverflow.

Oh okay still good haha

So how I start? What library? There’s a lot of directions I don’t which way to go. I’m noob.

Learn how to use the standard Java APIs before jumping into third party libraries.

I was originally tempted to put a LMGTFY link, but before I become ignorant, why did you title the post ‘Looking for people to team up, I am a new Java programmer’? That seems odd. If you are new, don’t know what libraries to start with, you should probably play around with the language before you start planning things. Trust me, before I even knew what OpenGL was I started planning a game to be made in 4 months. Bad idea.

With THAT aside, here’s what I recommend doing.

  • Start reading or watching some tutorials on YouTube, and find which ones suit you best.
  • As Gouessej just said, learn the standard Java APIs before jumping into 3rd party libraries.
  • Find your path. Some people find it easy to learn from books, some people find it easy to just toy around.
  • If you run into basic problems, go to StackOverflow for troubleshooting.
    And lastly,
  • If you truly need people to start a project, try going here.

Hope this helps,
Kris. :wink:

Isn’t game programming part of java APIs? and what I do is learning the tutorials from the oracle. Most of YouTube tutorials suck.

Game programming is something you do yourself, otherwise it would be like an engine (let’s not get into term technicalities here). Java API provides a base for you to make a game with Java 2d.

I know that but what do they mean by learning standard first and not third party

What they mean is to start building a good programming foundation for yourself first by learning Java fundamentals and what is available in the base Java SDK.

When you’ve done that, you can move into exploring game development with the use of 3rd-party libraries.

I don’t think there is anything available in base Java that is specifically geared towards game developement, no. But that doesn’t mean you can’t build a game using base Java. You can, of course, but you will have to build your engine from the ground up.

I guess that assuming you’re coming into Java and game development totally blind (e.g. - a complete newbie), the steps to take are:

(1) Learn the concepts behind object-oriented programming
(2) Learn Java Fundamentals
(3) Learn game development using 3rd-party libraries available for Java

imo, you don’t really need to jump into game development using base Java API. You can go straight for a framework/library immediately (such as LibGDX or LWJGL), but at least build a solid foundation for yourself first by doing (1) and (2) above.

I sort of disagree there.
If you start out with a clear goal, using a dedicated gaming library can help keeping things fun (provided that library has some good tutorials).
Of course you can start out with pure java, but getting anything remotely playable out of it is probably more difficult than just using some easy to use game library.

IMHO the most motivating way to learn something is by having FUN doing it.
“Wow, see that cube spin in 3D! Let’s see how I can make it move!”, that sort of thing.
Learning the intricacies behind it will come, just as long as you can keep yourself motivated by having fun learning.

When I learned java, my first project was an emulator of the Pacman arcade (which then later grew to become something of scale I could never have imagined when I started).
Not because it made sense to start with something like that as a java newbie, but because I was really interested in emulators and I already knew about Z80 assembly (but jack shit about java).
To me it made sense and it while I was punching above my weight at the time I started out, pure motivation kept me going and eventually helped me learning java.