Looking for people to learn and create with!

Hello Everyone, Atheistzilla here,

I’ve been coding in Java for more than a year now and I’m looking for people who have about the same skill-set as me or better that we can get together, create games, design them or whatever! :smiley:

Currently working on my game Amicitia if you are interested in that as well; can view the progress in my profile if you’d like.

For future note, I prefer medieval styled games, zombies games, crafting games, and other hard-difficulty games. So if you’re interested in something along these lines then let me know!

Trying to look for a team or people that I can converse with about creating games before I go off to college in half-a-year or so…

I’m not necessarily looking for mainly programmers; if you think you would be good at doing something else, let me know! We can probably work something out like music maker, pixel artist, etc. I’m very optimistic by the way. Just keep in mind that I am no means an expert. I know what there is to know about Java but certain Game Mechanics and concepts I still have to learn. (Hoping to learn from the team!)

Hey Atheistzilla!

I just saw your game now, you are indeed using LWJGL, or LibGDX(I cannot tell, for LibGDX is based on LWJGL), and I was once working on LWJGL on my last project(which it’s video has been removed for now, due to changes in my youtube channel) and currently I am working on a LibGDX project, of which you can see here: you can expect this text to be replaced with a youtube video tomorrow

I have been coding since mid-2011, and with many mistakes and learning curves in between as java is my first programming language. I might be interested in working with you :slight_smile:

Good luck guys… just a word of warning, working on your own is hard, but working in a team is harder!

As Jean-Paul Sartre says, Hell is other people!

Thanks Ags,

I understand. Just I get so lonely sometimes yelling at myself why my damn code wont function the way I want it too! haha.

Thanks for the insight though.

Posting here just so I’ll get follow notifications (Wont forget), I want to inquiry, but I don’t have time right now as I have to go.

@CTucker1327: PM me if you’re still interested later on today or tomorrow. (:

I second the comment about working in groups being harder. I’ve tried to join a few projects, and its absolutely horrible trying to get up to speed, especially when you can’t actually meet face to face with your group. Good lukc with whatever you want to do though!

It depends on what you are planning to do. My suggestion - each programmer should work on another module (like networking, entity system etc.) and write public API to allow another programmers use your code without actually knowing it - this way you can keep high productivity in teams. :slight_smile:

It takes experience and additional effort to modularize the project like that. But yes, that is the way to do it.

I know. I don’t want to work alone, but I rather not work alone and actually talk to someone about Java. I’m hoping not to make this group really huge. Like, 3 or 4 people.

I am interested. Sent a PM a while ago. You have not logged on for a while. Hopping you will log back on. Haha. If you did not get it, just reply here.
