Looking for effects sequencing assistance from coders/designers

I’m developing a Java clone of LockJaw (YouTube Vid).

It is called Stroll:On Drugs and a basic demo is available to play via Java Web Start. I will be providing the code, API and some mechanism to be able to code effects as an add on to speed development of the effects. I have emulated some of the characteristics of the GameBoy Advance LCD Controller so the tilt, zoom and rotation effects (which I did not add) are achieved like you would in a GBA game.

I expect to use springs and simple vectors to program the effects behaviour and even non programmers should be able to do something. And by Monday (GMT) I will change the URL of stroll during development although it will be available upon completion at the URL specified.

Use this thread to pledge your allegiance :wink:

Ok, just thought I’d state that I’m changing a little of what I was going to be doing today (and this week) due to a job interview; so I will quickly etch together the web page and downloads with a slightly different approach to how it was going to work.

The original approach was going to involve using a basic scripting language and API for basic physics simulation using springs, I will instead implement the minimum subset of relevant functionality - which may be what I was doing anyway, but nonetheless time must be minimized.

The first update will actually be the website, which will expose my domain name so I must make sure its appearance reflects what I want people to see and look relatively “solid”.

I have made available the stroll: on drugs source code available for download. Each [initial] folder is a separate project, however is arranged in such a way that they can all be placed in one project (see the packages).

The Tetris class is being recoded (so it would be best to ignore), the jar resource files are linked in compilation to the main class. The main place to look for behaviour is the camera class located in the stroll_009 project as org.konelabs.stroll.graphics.Camera. Much of the given calculations are typical of Mode 7 code and you can ignore that completely, just be concerned with scale, tilt, angle and tx/ty or ox/oy. nextFrame is where the important things happen, as you can see it does not do much to produce the little effect - the ADSR+Oscillator+Generator classes take care of that.

In case you did not realize .16 means 16:16, means fixed point with the decimal point being on bit 16. In nextFrame the calculations for scale (from zoomLevel) converts the range of 0-1 to be a scale that will zoom in/out from a 1:1 scale and the test package contains all of the wave creation classes. As you can see the code is not in a generally shareable form and is [quite clearly] in the stages of a recode, but if anyone is interested and wants to assist I will provide documentation where necessary, etc.

(suddenly realizes power of Ant build files)