A bit of warning - this is going to get a bit involved and very technical.
When I was in the middle stages of designing the Java Rabbit Engine (http://jrabbit.minds-eye-games.com/), I began considering how I would manage groups of active game objects. There are a number of stipulations for a rigorous game engine:
- Hold as many objects as needed (basically, no max limit).
- Dynamically resize to hold new objects.
- Dynamically remove objects when they are no longer needed.
- Iterate through the current objects in the list, performing operations wherever needed.
These would be nice:
- Maintain order of addition.
- Not allow duplicate objects.
- Allow random access.
- Allow for fast checking of whether or not an object is present in the list.
- When an iteration is started, iterate over the same objects that were initially in the list, even if some of them are removed or new ones are added during iteration (basically, cache removals and additions until iteration is over). (Remember this as Point X, it’s potentially incredibly useful and I decided I wanted to have it.)
And, obviously, all of these need to be as fast as possible, and not increase as more objects are added to the list. Basically, they need to be O(1) instead of O(n) in operation time, if possible.
So, these ideal points in mind, I started looking at existing methods. From what I found, JME and Slick both seemed to use ArrayList fairly often. It makes sense. Once the objects are on the list, it’s basically array-fast to iterate through them.
However, how dynamic are they? ArrayList in particular seems a particularly bad choice, because when you need to add more objects than its max limit, it spazzes out and needs to allocate and reseed an entire new array. Also, when you want to remove objects, it has to search through the entire thing to find it, and then it needs to move objects around to fill the gap! The larger the list gets, the longer these adjustments will take. Therefore, though it doesn’t have a technical limit, it has a practical one.
The concept I would use for this is: For an iteration-based data structure to allow for “unlimited objects,” the maximum number of objects it can iterate through and maintain a viable operation speed should be effectively the same as the number of objects it can have while performing dynamic operations (additions and removals) and keep that viable operation speed.
So ArrayList, the common choice, seems to be non-optimal. What other choices are there?
Let’s look at a few:
- Not quite as fast as an Array or ArrayList, but still quite competitive.
- Adding new objects is a breeze, being O(1) and totally independent of the number of other entries in the list.
- Can append an entirely different LinkedList to its end without any increase in operation time.
- Removing objects is O(n).
- Allows for duplicate entries.
- Does not allow Point X.
- About LinkedList fast.
- By Keying objects to themselves, adding and removing objects can approach constant time.
- Does not allow for duplicate entries.
- Checking if an object is contained in the list is essentially O(1).
- Cumbersome API.
- Does not allow Point X.
In all seriousness, lobotomizing a LinkedHashMap seemed like the most feature-complete option. However, I felt I could do better than that, so I made my own data structure.
The result is something I call LockingList (and yes, it has been designed to accommodate Point X).
Here is the code, including documentation:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.jrabbit.base.data.structures.base.Container;
* This class is supposed to handle large, dynamic amounts of objects and be
* able to iterate through them very quickly without being disturbed by changes
* to its structure. Duplicate entries are not supported. Random access is also
* not supported.
* At its heart, LockingList is a LinkedList. However, the weakness in Linked
* Lists is that removal operations are inefficient when compared to add methods
* - it has to iterate through the entire list, checking each node. To attempt
* to combat this, when objects are added to the list, a HashMap keys the object
* reference to the node that contains it. Thereafter, when remove() is called,
* it finds the node from the HashMap and does a quick and easy cull.
* It's a little extreme to make a custom data structure for a single purpose,
* but all the common "fast" data structures I know of have some flaws in a
* gaming environment (especially since I wanted to remember order of addition).
* ArrayList is fast, but it takes time to resize. LinkedLists are fast and
* highly dynamic when adding, but removal requires a search through the list.
* LinkedHashMaps have some O(1) operations, but have needless overhead. Adding
* to the mix is the fact that I needed something that could be modified during
* iteration without causing errors. Ultimately, I decided to marry a HashMap
* and a LinkedList. The result is a very stripped down data structure that,
* nevertheless, performs very well. When no changes are occurring, it performs
* at LinkedList speed (which is quite fast), and even when the list is being
* rapidly changed, its operations tend towards O(1) complexity (and are fairly
* fast at that).
* @author Chris Molini
* @param <T>
* The type of object to hold in the list.
public class LockingList<T> implements Container<T>
* The currently active list of items. Because iteration runs through the
* actual list of objects, we cannot safely allow this list to change while
* we are going through it. Therefore, we need to cache changes and apply
* them after the list is safe again.
protected UList main;
* A list to cache addition operations. When the list is "locked," all add()
* operations are applied to this.
protected UList addCache;
* Likewise, this caches removal operations.
* NOTE: When we are unlocked, we want to simply remove objects from the
* main list, but when we lock the list we need to add them to a storage
* structure. So, we modify this list on instantiation to provide that
* functionality.
protected UList removalCache;
* This reference is meant to switch between main and toAdd. When locked,
* the list automatically (without unnecessary checks) delegates addition
* operations.
protected UList adding;
* Similarly, this reference handles directing removal operations.
protected UList removing;
* When the list is locked, if a clear() is demanded, we cannot destroy the
* list immediately - we need to remember it until we unlock the list (and
* immediately clear the list on release).
protected boolean clear;
* Creates a default, unlocked, empty list.
public LockingList()
main = new UList();
addCache = new UList();
// We need to define toRemove to have its remove operations cache the
// objects instead of the default operations.
removalCache = new UList()
protected boolean remove(T object)
return false;
protected void remove(UList list)
adding = main;
removing = main;
* Adds an object or caches the operation.
* @param object
* The object to add.
* @return True if the add succeeded, false if not.
***************************************************************/ @Override
public boolean add(T object)
return adding.add(object);
* Attempts to add every supplied object.
* @param objects
* The objects to add.
***************************************************************/ @Override
public void add(T... objects)
for(T object : objects)
* Handles adding an entire list of objects of the same generic type.
* if the other list is locked, only the main list is applied. Pending
* additions and removals do not factor in.
* @param list
* the list of objects to add.
public void add(LockingList<T> list)
* Removes an object or caches the operation.
* @param object
* The object to remove.
* @return If locked, automatically returns false. If unlocked, returns
* whether or not the removal was successful.
***************************************************************/ @Override
public boolean remove(T object)
return removing.remove(object);
* Attempts to remove the supplied list of objects.
* @param objects
* The objects to remove.
***************************************************************/ @Override
public void remove(T... objects)
for(T object : objects)
* Handles removing an entire list of objects of the same type.
* If the other list is locked, only the active list is applied. Pending
* additions and removals do not factor in.
* @param list
* The list of objects we wish to remove.
public void remove(LockingList<T> list)
* Checks if an object is on the list.
* @param object
* The object to check for.
* @return If the object is on the list.
***************************************************************/ @Override
public boolean contains(T object)
return main.contains(object) || addCache.contains(object);
* Clears the list if unlocked. If locked, it clears the current state of
* toAdd and toRemove, and remembers that it should clear the main list on
* release().
public void clear()
if (locked())
clear = true;
* Returns the size of the main list. If the list is locked, there is no
* concession to pending adds and removals.
* @return How many elements are in the active list.
***************************************************************/ @Override
public int size()
return main.size;
* Returns the predicted size of the list. If the list is not locked, this
* returns the same value of size(), but if it is, it returns the estimated
* final size after pending operations have been resolved.
* NOTE: This list can be inaccurate. It assumes that all pending add and
* remove operations will be successful, which may not be the case
* (depending on whether the objects involved in the operations are on the
* list or not).
* @return The estimate for list size when it is unlocked.
public int predictedSize()
return main.size + addCache.size - removalCache.size;
* Returns whether or not the active list is empty. Possibly inaccurate if
* the list is locked.
* @return If the active list has elements.
public boolean isEmpty()
return main.size > 0;
* Redirects removal and addition operations, causing the active list to
* become unchangeable through normal methods.
public void lock()
adding = addCache;
removing = removalCache;
* If locked, redirects removal and addition to the main list, and causes
* any cached operations to be applied to the main list.
public void unlock()
if (locked())
adding = main;
removing = main;
if (clear)
clear = false;
* Checks to see if the list is caching changes.
* @return Whether or not operations apply to the main list.
public boolean locked()
return adding != main;
* Allows iteration through the LockingList in the usual manner. Auto-locks
* the list.
* @return The iterator through the main list.
***************************************************************/ @Override
public Iterator<T> iterator()
return main.iterator();
/* ********************************************************************* *
* ************************** Internal Classes ************************* *
* ********************************************************************* */
* Provides a singly-linked list implementation to dynamically store a large
* list of objects for quick iteration.
* @author Chris Molini
protected class UList implements Iterable<T>
* How many elements the list has.
private int size;
* The first node in the list.
private UListNode first;
* The last node in the list.
private UListNode last;
* This keys object references with their positions on the list, making
* removal operations much faster. Without this, we would need to
* iterate through the entire list to search for each removal.
private HashMap<T, UListNode> removalMap;
* Creates an empty list.
protected UList()
removalMap = new HashMap<T, UListNode>();
* Returns whether or not the specified object is on the list.
* @param obj
* The object to check for.
* @return If the object is on the list.
protected boolean contains(T obj)
return removalMap.containsKey(obj);
* Clears the list.
protected void clear()
first = last = null;
size = 0;
* Adds an object to the end of the list if it is not already on it.
* @param object
* The object to add.
* @return
protected boolean add(T object)
if (size == 0)
first = last = new UListNode(object);
removalMap.put(object, first);
return true;
} else if (!removalMap.containsKey(object))
last = last.setNext(object);
removalMap.put(object, last);
return true;
return false;
* Adds another list to this one.
* Instead of appending the entire list in one fell swoop, we iterate
* through the list and call add() for every object on it. This helps us
* preserve entry uniqueness.
* @param uL
* the list to add.
protected void add(UList uL)
UListNode toAdd = uL.first;
while (toAdd != null)
toAdd = toAdd.next;
* Attempts to remove an object from the list.
* Ordinarily, removal from a LinkedList requires searching through the
* entire thing, removing an object once and if it is found. To try to
* speed up the process, we use a HashMap to store the locations of
* objects on the list, and use that for quickly finding which node to
* remove.
* @param object
* The object to remove.
* @return True if the object was found and removed, false otherwise.
protected boolean remove(T object)
UListNode toRemove = removalMap.remove(object);
// If toRemove is null, the object was not on the list.
if (toRemove != null)
if (toRemove == first)
first = first.next;
if (first != null)
first.last = null;
else if (toRemove == last)
last = last.last;
last.next = null;
toRemove.last.next = toRemove.next;
toRemove.next.last = toRemove.last;
return true;
return false;
* Attempts to remove from this list every element in another.
* @param list
* The list of objects to attempt to remove.
protected void remove(UList list)
UListNode toRemove = list.first;
while (toRemove != null)
toRemove = toRemove.next;
* Returns a String representation of the list.
* @return A list of every entry in the list. Elements are divided by
* line breaks.
***********************************************************/ @Override
public String toString()
String results = "List: \n";
if (size > 0)
for (T obj : this)
results += "\n" + obj;
results += "(empty)";
return results;
* Returns the iterator. It's inadvisable to change the list contents
* while an iterator is working.
* @return The iterator for perusing the list.
***********************************************************/ @Override
public Iterator<T> iterator()
return new UListIterator(first);
* A node in our doubly-linked list.
* @author Chris Molini
private class UListNode
* The data the node stores.
private T obj;
* The reference to the next node in the list.
private UListNode next;
* The reference to the last node in the list.
private UListNode last;
* Creates an empty node containing the specified object.
private UListNode(T object)
obj = object;
* Used to efficiently append items to the end of the list.
* @param object
* The object to add.
* @return The reference to the next node in the list. Simplifies
* appending.
private UListNode setNext(T object)
next = new UListNode(object);
next.last = this;
return next;
* Returns a string representation of the node.
* @return A string that describes the object the node contains and
* whether or not the list has references to a node before
* and after it.
*******************************************************/ @Override
public String toString()
return "Object: " + obj + "\nLast: " + (last != null)
+ "\nNext: " + (next != null);
* Defines an iterator through our list.
* To get the best possible speed, there are no checks to throw
* ConcurrentModificationException, though editing the list while
* iterating can potentially throw a bug. It will manifest in a
* NullPointerException and immediately crash the program.
* This would ordinarily be a severe problem, but the entire list as a
* whole is designed to not cause those problems during execution, and
* so operations should remain steady if the developer uses the
* available methods.
* @author Chris Molini
private class UListIterator implements Iterator<T>
* The node used to iterate.
private UListNode node;
* Creates an empty iterator. Whenever a UList calls iterator(), it
* automatically sets the node to reference the beginning of the
* list.
private UListIterator(UListNode n)
node = new UListNode(null);
node.next = n;
* Returns whether or not there are more elements in the iterator.
* @return If the next element will be null.
*******************************************************/ @Override
public boolean hasNext()
return node.next != null;
* Returns the next object and advances iteration.
* @return The next object in the iteration.
*******************************************************/ @Override
public T next()
node = node.next;
return node.obj;
* The iterator does not support modifying the list.
*******************************************************/ @Override
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
So, what do you guys think? Is the above an improved method? Or is vanilla ArrayList better, and there are advantages/disadvantages in the different methods I’m not aware of?