Loading resources from a library class?

So I’m starting back into Java and it’s been awhile since I’ve done asset management on something not android. I’ve done some google-fu and haven’t quite found an answer to my problem.

I’m writing a modular game library. My graphics section is in a lib project called core. My main game is in it’s own project. I want to be able to send a url for an img in my game project folder to the image class in my core.

Here’s my setup:

So the last time I had to load an image in pure java was when swing was still considered new. There are noticeably more functions to load something than I know what to do with, and none of them seem to work atm.

My current code:

	public void loadSpriteFromLocation(String relativeLocation)
			throws IOException
		    //URL url = new URL(getCodeBase(), relativeLocation);
			URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(relativeLocation);
		    sprite = ImageIO.read(url);
		    System.out.println("Image successfully loaded");
		catch (IOException e) 
			throw e;

url = null. (the commented out function won’t even compile). http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/components/icon.html#getresource is pretty good at showing resource locations but it doesn’t help me if I’m trying to load from a separate module from where the image is located.

Ideally, I want to be able to load from an executable jar file, but I also want something that’s easy to work with or perhaps a method where I could test the jar first then go locally if need be. (even more ideally, I’d love to write a resource manager that works like the android resources (if that’s really even possible), but I need to start somewhere first)

What am I missing here? Do I need to write a resource builder for this? (because I’m probably going to run into the same problem for the sound)

Any help is appreciated!