I’m having a few issues loading th normals into jogl okay I’ ve wrote my model loader and have iterated over the vertices which are loading in just fine and resembling a Cube, now I’m trying to load the normals Ive iterating over the information and have tried to load them I do get some visual faces but in a bit of a mess rather than the shape of a cube any help would be most appreciated.
gl.glVertexPointer( 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, 0, fBuffer );
gl.glNormalPointer( GL2.GL_FLOAT, 0, nBuffer );
gl.glEnableClientState( GL2.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
gl.glEnableClientState( GL2.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );
gl.glDrawArrays( GL2.GL_POINTS, 0, fVertex.length / 3 );
gl.glDrawArrays( GL2.GL_POLYGON, 0, nNormals.length / 3 );
gl.glDisableClientState( GL2.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
gl.glDisableClientState( GL2.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );
These are the the normal which I think are vn in the obj file ?
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -1.000000
and these are the vertices which I think are v in the obj file?
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -0.999999
Iterate Array: 0.999999
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000001
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000