Loading Normals from obj file

I’m having a few issues loading th normals into jogl okay I’ ve wrote my model loader and have iterated over the vertices which are loading in just fine and resembling a Cube, now I’m trying to load the normals Ive iterating over the information and have tried to load them I do get some visual faces but in a bit of a mess rather than the shape of a cube any help would be most appreciated.

                gl.glVertexPointer( 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, 0,  fBuffer );
		gl.glNormalPointer( GL2.GL_FLOAT, 0, nBuffer );
		gl.glEnableClientState( GL2.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );	
		gl.glEnableClientState( GL2.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );	
		gl.glDrawArrays( GL2.GL_POINTS, 0, fVertex.length / 3 );
		gl.glDrawArrays( GL2.GL_POLYGON, 0, nNormals.length / 3 );
		gl.glDisableClientState( GL2.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
		gl.glDisableClientState( GL2.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );

These are the the normal which I think are vn in the obj file ?
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -1.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: 0.000000
Normal Iterate Array: -1.000000

and these are the vertices which I think are v in the obj file?
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -0.999999
Iterate Array: 0.999999
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000001
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000
Iterate Array: 1.000000
Iterate Array: -1.000000

You shouldn’t have the 2nd glDrawArrays call, you don’t draw the normals a second time, OpenGL automatically uses them if you’ve configured everything correctly, which it looks like you have.

Also, OBJ files usually have faces that describe how to combine the normals and vertices, are you taking that into account when reading the model?