Hello everyone,
I’m loading obj files in my Java application and … it works!
Therefore, the models are coming flipped in the X-axis and to fix it I’ve change my obj reader to multiply the X-axis by -1. I know that isn’t the perfect solution so I’m trying to figure out what is happening.
When I load objects in the normal way (without -1), all my textures also became flipped.
Some useful information to help me (I believe that is)
- OBJ exported in blender, including vertices, uvs and normals. The Y axis is selected as UP and forward is -Z
- The camera in the application is in position 0, 5, -30 and pointing to center.
- Camera settings are fov 70, aspect 1920 / 1080, zNear 0.01f, zFar 1000.0f
Things that “solve” the problem
- Load object with -1 x X position;
- Scale objects to -1 in X axis
- Change the aspect of camera to negative value
- A lot of different things that I’ve tested, therefore it changes other things and orientations… breaks everything
Sorry for this newbie question, but I’m little curious about it.