Live Android 0.3

Live Android 0.3 has been released.

Congratulations to Ranger, Craig’s Race is included with the standard distribution! :wink:


Cool. Have you tried using Virtual Box as a dev test environment? I found it takes just over 30 seconds to deploy and run apps to my G1. I can’t use the emulator because the audio stuff crashes and OpenGL rendering is buggy. I tried out the last version of Live Android but the missing SD card support killed it for me. I see they have remedied that, so I plan on trying it again when I get some time.

Awesome! :smiley: I see they included an early version that didn’t use OpenGL.

I tried it. Nice to see my GUI at a higher resolution. My screen backgrounds are stretched though, which looks really bad. Not sure what to do about that? Trying to run my OpenGL app crashes. Anyone know where I can see the logs on the Android filesystem?