Live Android 0.3 has been released.
Congratulations to Ranger, Craig’s Race is included with the standard distribution!
Live Android 0.3 has been released.
Congratulations to Ranger, Craig’s Race is included with the standard distribution!
Cool. Have you tried using Virtual Box as a dev test environment? I found it takes just over 30 seconds to deploy and run apps to my G1. I can’t use the emulator because the audio stuff crashes and OpenGL rendering is buggy. I tried out the last version of Live Android but the missing SD card support killed it for me. I see they have remedied that, so I plan on trying it again when I get some time.
Awesome! I see they included an early version that didn’t use OpenGL.
I tried it. Nice to see my GUI at a higher resolution. My screen backgrounds are stretched though, which looks really bad. Not sure what to do about that? Trying to run my OpenGL app crashes. Anyone know where I can see the logs on the Android filesystem?