Hi All,
Sorry for my English
I add 2 AmbientLight objects to my Scene and set the regions of influence as 2 distinct BoundingSphere (one for each light) objects but with the same parameters, e.g. Point3d(0,0,0) and radius 10;
I add one light to the BranchGroup and one light to TransformGroup that translate the object by (0,-2,0)
When I print the lights’ influencing bounds via getInfluencingBounds() method
I get the same answer for both lights! :
Center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Radius=10.0
but according to the pdf of Sun on Java 3D
the bounds are local to the light system of coordinate and should translate too, so why I don’t get
for the second light Center=(0.0, -2.0, 0.0) Radius=10.0. Somthing I don’t understand.please help me
Thank u in advance