[LibGDX] Where to start?

Hi, I’ve been working with slick for like 3 years and I think it’s time to try LibGDX. So I started to read tutorials but it seems that LibGDX has changed recently and there is a lot of comments saying that the tutorials needs to be updated.

So is there an updated tutorial on how to use it? Also, my game is quite big so it would be better if that tutorial give tips on how run a quite big game, smoothly. :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance :smiley:

Edit: is this one https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/A-simple-game good enough to go through?

Hi there!

LibGDX has indeed changed slightly through the update process but in all honesty, older tutorials would teach you the same stuff, maybe with a few name changes. The link you provided is a good start :slight_smile: and was updated back in March, which is great.

Honestly, it won’t take you long to learn the basics of LibGDX. I followed these little videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i78aqugqds&index=21&list=PLaNw_AbDFccHbzuObI4xHHp6WtiN2cRQv (I’ve included the link where he starts teaching LibGDX). The best way to really learn is to just make a game! This was the best advice ever given to me and as you have experience with Slick, you should be good to go!

Sadly I don’t have any links for tutorials on creating a large game as all mine are tiny :point:

If you have been working with Slick for 3 years then have no fear, the LibGDX documentation is HERE.

You should have no issue at all getting to know the API.