Hey there!
Just decided to post this simple but useful project. This is a voice chat mini-library, which uses LibGDX and Kryonet.
Instructions for installation and usage on github.
Get it on github from here: https://github.com/Epicguru/VoiceChat
Many modern games use voice chat. It is a must-have in any modern competitive game. Examples of games using voice chat systems are CS:GO, Overwatch, COD games, Rainbow Six Siege and countless others. Players often expect this feature when in a multiplayer environment.
I realised that my next game must implement this feature created this small library to aid anyone wanting to implement it into their own LibGdx games. It has been made to work with almost any existing KryoNet system.
It is compact, only 3 java files, and is realy simple to use. It has been optimised as much as possible, but I am still unsure about what kind of effect it has on multiplayer performance. Having tested it with a few of my own multiplayer games, I noticed no lag at all when communicating (simultaneously) with less that 5 players. Above five players, things got laggy and above 10 players KryoNet crashed. These limits can be boosted by increasing buffer size, but I only had time to test on a small scale.
Anyway, hope this helps someone, please reply if you decide to use it or test it out. Any and all feedback appreciated! Have a great day