libGDX Scene2D.ui ScrollPane doesn't move

Hi everybody,
I’ve got some Problems with the Scene2D.ui ScrollPane.

I have a Table witch holds several Actors like TextFields, Buttons and Labels. Then I create a new ScrollPane based on that Table. The vertical scrollbar moves according to my mouse/wheel movement but the content itself isn’t moving.

As you can see: The Bar moves but the Content doesn’t.

The code for the ScrollPane:

Window w = new Window("someTitle", someWindowStyle);

Table content = new Table();

//'content' is filled with some Actors

ScrollPane scroll = new ScrollPane(content, someScrollPaneStyle);


That’s a shorted version of course but basically that’s how I do it.

Is this error known? I tried it for quite a long time now but it’s not working and I have no idea why.
I hope there’s someone around here who can help me with that problem.
If you need more information please let me know.


Set table to not fill parent, set the size, and add it to stage some Group or Stage. Make sure your table is added too.

Are you calling stage.act()?

thx stage.act() was missing ;D

Noob tip: next time you have something on libgdx, head to the repo site and look on the component’s test class ;D