I am trying to fill the resize function that comes with Libgdx to fit all of the android screens.
I have been searching for a solution for about an hour and a half but have none. The best solution so far is this tutorial: http://www.java-gaming.org/index.php?topic=25685.0 but when I run it on my Galaxy S3 the buttons are really tiny and just overall the whole game is tiny where on the desktop version it is big and the way I want it to be. My resize code right now is:
public void resize(int width, int height) {
float aspectRatio = (float)width/(float)height;
float scale = 2f;
Vector2 crop = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
if(aspectRatio > ASPECT_RATIO)
scale = (float)height/(float)VIRTUAL_HEIGHT;
crop.x = (width - VIRTUAL_WIDTH*scale)/2f;
else if(aspectRatio < ASPECT_RATIO)
scale = (float)width/(float)VIRTUAL_WIDTH;
crop.y = (height - VIRTUAL_HEIGHT*scale)/2f;
scale = (float)width/(float)VIRTUAL_WIDTH;
float w = (float)VIRTUAL_WIDTH*scale;
float h = (float)VIRTUAL_HEIGHT*scale;
viewport = new Rectangle(crop.x, crop.y, w, h);
My render code is:
public void render() {
// update camera
// set viewport
Gdx.gl.glViewport((int) viewport.x, (int) viewport.y,
(int) viewport.width, (int) viewport.height);
// clear previous frame
And my variables are:
private static final int VIRTUAL_WIDTH = 600;
private static final int VIRTUAL_HEIGHT = 800;
private static final float ASPECT_RATIO = (float)VIRTUAL_WIDTH/(float)VIRTUAL_HEIGHT;
public static BitmapFont FONT;
private OrthographicCamera camera;
private Rectangle viewport;
private SpriteBatch sb;
Like I said, when I run the desktop version it works fine but when I run it on my Galaxy S3, the game is zoomed out a lot, and it crops out the tops and sides of the game which is not what I want at all. If someone could help me that would be great. Thanks!