[LibGDX]Particle Effects/emitter collection?

Can I download a bunch particle effects/emitters somewhere? They are kinda hard to create plus they require good imagination.

If we could port Particle Illusion emitters to LibGDX’s system, we would have a sea of amazing particle effects.

You do know of the Particle Editor, no?

Yeah. Its easy to use, but hard to make something that actually looks good.

But my question is if are was some sort of library/collection of LibGDX particles.

Have you seen the tutorial vid? I set skip to where Nate’s making some nice fire-type effect. Looks alright for a few minutes effort.
Also dermetfan has his tutorial series, including libGDX particles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCLa-rgR_MA

As for a pre-made collection of effects, there are none that I know of. Maybe you should start one!

Edit: @Tom Strickland That looks beast. I may just have to buy that.

@Tom Strickland
Your link is a little messed up, you accidentally included the quotes and left the : out of http which means the browser tries to interpret it as the server instead of the protocol. Just a little heads up :slight_smile:

TimelineFX… o_0

Holy shit those looks amazing. Very simple to use as well.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

hmmm…I really should get around to doing a “how to create good looking particle effects with libgdx’s particle editor” as I think even the effects from TimelineFX and the such look half-assed. Best way to get great looking effects is to use something like fumeFX in 3dsmax or w/e then export to a sprite sheet for use as animated particles.

If you need some place hold stuff, here are some public domain animations

Sorry you are right I should be more technical.

The reason why I think (again opinion) programs like this are bad (or not so useful) is because they are normally precomputed particle effects. They are sprite sheet generators or video generators used for compositing. Their systems can create nice effects but as they generally cannot be plugged into a framework, you get only one sprite sheet of the EXACT same effect. This makes them in the category programs like fumeFX and Afterburner (precomputed effects) which, although more expensive, produce much better results. Particle effects generated during the game give a much better and varied result. The topic was about real time particle effects for libgdx so these programs really do not belong here.

They do have a place in game dev if you want to use their generated result as an animated sprite which can yield very nice results with minimal effort. Sadly, fumeFX and the like give much higher quality effects.

If you look at the effects of most modern games (I am not talking Crysis here), they rival everything I have seen from programs like TimeLine which shows that you can generate better effects at during the game. This is not to say that you cannot get TimeLine to produce things of similar quality, but that the average effect I have seen from TimeLine doesn’t depict the programs potential.

I could go into more detail on the above but, as is the reason why I do not explain everything fully normally, because most do not have the time (or want) to completely understand something but will instead take someones experience with it. This is bad and good as you can avoid pitfalls but can also avoid something good. TimeLine I say is one to avoid for the use of video game particle effects.

Also, I am not sure why you had such an aggressive response. Didn’t think “half-assed” would illicit such a response. I have seen far worse on here let alone the whole of the interwebs. Need tougher skin.

That tutorial would be appreciated :slight_smile:
I personally don’t think effects from TimeLineFX and such look “half-assed”. I guess its from person to person.
I got a couple of thousands emitters for Particle Illusion and a couple of hundred for TimeLineFX. So I am all set.

FumeFX probably gives results the best results, but is also the most time consuming way. Plus, you must be a 3D artist, something you don’t become over a few nights.