[LibGDX] One Controller class, multiple controllers

I first created a basic pong game some weeks ago, terribly down and learned alot.

I have started fresh and I am trying to figure out how to do this.

I have one controller class called PaddleControl, you can guess what it does.

In here we have the following:

	enum Control {


	static Map<Control, Boolean> keys = new HashMap<PaddleControl.Control, Boolean>();
	static {

		keys.put(Control.UP, false);
		keys.put(Control.DOWN, false);


I also have a bunch of methods that are self explanatory as such:

	public void upPressed() {
		keys.get(keys.put(Control.UP, true));
	public boolean keyDown(int keycode) {
		switch (keycode) {
		case Keys.W:
		case Keys.UP:
		case Keys.S:
		case Keys.DOWN:
			assert false;
		return false;

Now the problem persists in this part here, I want to NOT do this as it makes the object useless since it would be constraint to only 1 paddle being controlled despite it being a 2 player game:

	public void processInput(){
			GameScreen.p1Paddle.getBody().setLinearVelocity(0, 10f);
			System.out.print("Am I moving?");
		}else if(keys.get(Control.DOWN)){
			GameScreen.p1Paddle.getBody().setLinearVelocity(0, -10f);
		}else if(!keys.get(Control.UP) && !keys.get(Control.DOWN)){
			GameScreen.p1Paddle.getBody().setLinearVelocity(0, 0);

So this is in my update method and that update method is within the GameScreen, the code is pretty straight forward, you press up, booleans take it from there and the if statements decide what to do, however as you can see I am having to access the GameScreen.p1Paddle in order to get that specific body. The way I want it is body.getBody, since I have the field declared for it.

Whenever I do this with just a single controller controller the p1 paddle, I get a null exception on the following line in bold ([b]):

		}else if(!keys.get(Control.UP) && !keys.get(Control.DOWN)){
			GameScreen.p1Paddle.getBody().setLinearVelocity(0, 0);[/b]

Ideally what I want to do is create 2 controllers, then use the multiplexer to handle both seperately. However I see some issues, how on earth can it tell which paddle should move to which key, as you can see I have it setup to be controlled with either W/S and Up/Down.

Am I going about this wrong?

EDIT: Fixed the null exception problem, now I just need a way for each controllers to control specific paddles without getting mixed up