[LibGDX] Mc Pedro's Tower


Hello guys :smiley:

Mc Pedro’s Tower is a simple casual game. Second from the Mc Pedro series. Player is controlling a little funny character (pedro) which is climbing up the tower built with platforms. On the platforms are growing up spikes which player has to avoid and diamonds which player has to collect. Tapping the screen is making pedro jump. Character is moving in one direction (left or right) and it’s changing when pedro walk into a wall.

Player is solving simple quests and collecting three different types of diamonds. Both are used to unlock new characters (in game shop). It’s planned to provide new pedros to all Pedro series games in next releases.






[center]Google Play: click here!

If you like it: share it! It really helps. Same as comments. Thank you. :slight_smile:
Made with libGDX

Did you just post two different games within only a few minutes?

Three. It’s my dev progress from 2-3 weeks but I hadn’t time to post it here (work, home). Now I’ve found some time to do it. Sorry if I did something wrong (did I?).

It is… unusual that people produce games at that frequency here. :slight_smile:
But beyond that, no.

Thanks xD With my lack of time, short term games are the only possibility to keep gamedev passion alive for one person.