libGdx getting the delta value on touchDragged

Is there a way to get the starting coordinates of the drag?

I tryed something like this. I thought it would work, but it doesent. x and y are the values sent by the touchDragged method.
divisor is a value to scale the coordiates town to the level of playingfield.

fingerX = x / divisor;
		fingerY = y / divisor;
		DeltaX = fingerX - position.x;
		DeltaY = fingerY - position.y;
		position.x = position.x + DeltaX;
		position.y = position.y + DeltaY;

Store the last position of event of index @, and when you receive a dragged event of index @, subtract dragged event’s coordinates from the @ coordinates, and you get your deltas. Don’t forget to update @ coordinates with new coordinates.

I made an additional method. onTouch just saves the location of the finger when the screen is touched, and when started draggig, it gets the delta in onDrag method and then changes the point of origin(fingerX and fingerY).

	public void onDrag(int x, int y){
		int midX = x/divisor;
		int midY = y/divisor;
		DeltaX = fingerX - midX;
		DeltaY = fingerY - midY;
		position.x = position.x - DeltaX;
		position.y = position.y - DeltaY;
		fingerX = midX;
		fingerY = midY;
	public void onTouch(int x, int y){
		fingerX = x / divisor;
		fingerY = y / divisor;